I did however get a really sick orange tie out of the deal, but that still can´t make up for losing a missionary. The branch, the members, and all of our investigators were absolutely devistated and now I have the hardest job in the world of trying to fill in his shoes.
As a result, I have now broken a missionary record and become a Zone Leader just 5 weeks into my mission because my new companions are the zone leaders... Ipso Facto ZONE LEADER MUNDELL!!! Hahaha
My investigator of gold is giving me a lot of troubles trying to baptize her because she keeps on missing going to church because of little things that keep happenning saturday or sunday night that she can´t go on sunday. That´s probably the most frustrating thing for me right now is just that... but other than that I think that everythings going just about as good as it could be. The language is coming along great-ish and I´ve got a ton of animo to go out and teach.
Today we also had return and report and I got to see all my friends from the MTC!
The effects of not keeping a journal are showing! I don´t remember much from the week any more and time is just flying by.
Until next week,
Elder Mundell
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